Thursday, January 17, 2019

We're Bloggers!

From Project Manager and Accountant to BLOGGER [HIKER TRASH]! Whoop! Big things are happening people. Believe it.

We are currently planning for the TRIP of our lifetime. A Grand Adventure that will change our lives forever- perhaps for the better, maybe for the worse, hopefully not the later... but anything is possible! It will be unforgettable, and not at all regrettable! 

Was that a rap? Go back and read it as so... I think I'm on to something here!

Check out this amazing picture of the BEAUTIFUL Big Sur Coastline, gosh, does it get any better than that? I think I see a WHALE!
ha. ha. Joe does NOT find me funny.

So, this is our first post, I think its going quite swell. Its January 18th, and if you're reading this before March 11th, you must be SO CONFUSED.
The big announcement will be happening in Mid March. Please stay tuned... if you're reading this. If you're not reading this... then why aren't you reading this? You should DEF subscribe!

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