Tuesday, December 17, 2019

PCT Day 110 - Mirror Lake

We had a BIG day yesterday, our bodies were definitely feeling it this morning. We were out of camp at a decent time, this time after sunrise.

The hike in the morning was beautiful, there was a light fog around the thick forest of trees, and the trail seemed to glow. 

We met Lost and Found shortly before our 10am break. We chatted with her on an incline about Snoqualamie- the town we were resupplying in, the town that we would reach tomorrow. She offered her advice, to stay at the Washington Alpine Club. It's open this year to take in hikers, since its their off season- not very many members frequent the club this time of year. The only other option was to stay in an expensive hotel- not many to choose from. Our interest in the WAC was high. We were looking forward to town.

We haven't seen Dad Jokes or Pop Top in nearly 2 days now, so we were anxious to see them, or so we were hoping to.

The trail didn't offer too much today, we were caught up in some berry picking before noon, and we were teased with the jagged peaks way in the distance. Joe and I wondered if the trail would be taking us that way. And we hoped it would. I've never seen peaks that sharp, and I wanted to get closer.

Today our goal was to get to Mirror Lake, if we did we would only have 8 miles to do tomorrow. Mirror Lake is nearly 26 miles away- so its still a big day for us.

We didn't see many hikers on the trail today, it was pretty quiet, sadly so. We've been hoping to see a bear too, but still no bears.

At sunset, we had one more climb, a mile left, then we would be at Mirror Lake.

We arrived, and we picked the first camp site we found, lake side, and it was so very pretty. Surrounded by walls granite and in the trees.

Mirror Lake (rumored to have been a spot where Twilight had been filmed, we think that was just a trail rumor though) is a popular weekend spot for Seattliates.

1 comment:

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