Tuesday, December 17, 2019

PCT Day 110 - Mirror Lake

We had a BIG day yesterday, our bodies were definitely feeling it this morning. We were out of camp at a decent time, this time after sunrise.

The hike in the morning was beautiful, there was a light fog around the thick forest of trees, and the trail seemed to glow. 

We met Lost and Found shortly before our 10am break. We chatted with her on an incline about Snoqualamie- the town we were resupplying in, the town that we would reach tomorrow. She offered her advice, to stay at the Washington Alpine Club. It's open this year to take in hikers, since its their off season- not very many members frequent the club this time of year. The only other option was to stay in an expensive hotel- not many to choose from. Our interest in the WAC was high. We were looking forward to town.

We haven't seen Dad Jokes or Pop Top in nearly 2 days now, so we were anxious to see them, or so we were hoping to.

The trail didn't offer too much today, we were caught up in some berry picking before noon, and we were teased with the jagged peaks way in the distance. Joe and I wondered if the trail would be taking us that way. And we hoped it would. I've never seen peaks that sharp, and I wanted to get closer.

Today our goal was to get to Mirror Lake, if we did we would only have 8 miles to do tomorrow. Mirror Lake is nearly 26 miles away- so its still a big day for us.

We didn't see many hikers on the trail today, it was pretty quiet, sadly so. We've been hoping to see a bear too, but still no bears.

At sunset, we had one more climb, a mile left, then we would be at Mirror Lake.

We arrived, and we picked the first camp site we found, lake side, and it was so very pretty. Surrounded by walls granite and in the trees.

Mirror Lake (rumored to have been a spot where Twilight had been filmed, we think that was just a trail rumor though) is a popular weekend spot for Seattliates.

PCT Day 109 - Sunrise and the Beauty of Washington

Even though we went to bed super early last night, 3am wake up calls are hard. But we had to do it. And change is nice every once in a while. It had been a really long time since we started hiking that early.

We packed with our head lamps and were on trail by 4am. The trail was sketchy for some parts, the rain that Washington got last week had apparently caused portions of the trail be washed away. Some stretches required using our hands to ensure we didn't fall down the mountain side. Joe had read that if the PCTA doesn't fix those sections before winter, it will be impossible to repair.

When the sun finally started showing signs, the sky got a little lighter, we were rewarded with views of Rainier now to our south, along with Goat Rocks and Mt Adams again. We were so thankful the skies were clear this morning. These views along with the stars still shining was just amazing. I couldn't take enough photos, and each passing minute made the sky more light blue and streaks of pink.

While I was busy taking videos, Joe hiked on and first heard a herd of caribou below him in the valley. When we searched for the herd, he saw a large group of caribou and ONE white mountain goat! I've been wanting to see a goat so awfully bad. I was sad to hear that I missed him. Caribou are so interesting, their call is more like an instrument, a whistling sound. Its both eery and beautiful. We saw a multiple herds this morning. They wanted nothing to do with us.

By 7am we had nearly hiked 8 miles. So we stopped for breakfast at a campsite. There we met Half Facts- its been months since we'd seen him. He finally caught up to us, he has a really interesting story. He looked so different, super skinny and bearded. He was racing through Oregon and Washington and it looked it.

We finally got to the shelter by noon, of course Pop Top and Dad Jokes weren't there, they would have been here last night.

At the cabin we see Half Facts, and meet Juke Box and Chopstix. They seem like really fun couple- its so obvious they are from the west. With some people you can just tell. :) a compliment.

After lunch we still have 12 miles to make our 30 mile goal. And we have one big climb, 3k ft of climbing and then we're done for the day.

The climb wasn't terrible, but it was in trees and there were lots of Thimbleberries and Blueberries to pick. We made camp just before dark and we hiked 31.5 miles! It looks like rain, and it certainly got cold.

Mt Rainier just before sunrise

Admiring those jagged peaks to our north

Rainier at Sunrise

Just a couple hours later, and already Mt Rainier seems so far away

The Cabin! Time for lunch

PCT Day 108 - Sourdough Gap

Last night we camped with Dad Jokes and Pop Top. Dad Jokes and Twist Off (Joe) attempted to make a fire, but neither could get a spark to grow. The 4 of us huddled on a log, cooked our meals on our stoves and enjoyed a peaceful evening under a grove of trees. We are close to Rainier now, and hopefully the clouds pass so we can get a beautiful, clear view of the volcano.

Although we all woke up at about the same time, Pop Top was the first to break camp. Joe and I have realized that we'd be much faster if there weren't two of us slowing each other down.
Pop Top isn't a very quick hiker, so she likes to get a head start. We had discussed before going to bed that our plan was to do 32 miles today, or that we'd like to do that many. There is a shelter 32 miles from here, it could provide a decent place to stay, and would help us get an early start the next day. Joe and I were thinking about possibly doing that, but 32 is a lot for Washington terrain.

If we can't do 32, maybe 20 would be conceivable. That way we can reach the shelter by noon tomorrow (12 miles). That seemed more plausible.

Joe and I left camp and Dad Jokes around 7am - right off the bat we had a a decent steady climb. And once we were out of the trees, we were provided an amazing view of Mt Rainier. The sky cloud free for the most part, it was going to be a great day!

I had stopped for a lot of photos, and soon enough Dad Jokes passed us by. Throughout our hike that morning, we came across a lot of day hikers. It was interesting to see groups of people out in the Mt Rainier wilderness that were still at camp by 9am. I tried to put myself in their shoes, wow, waking up and still being at camp at 9am, the PCT has really changed my outlook on camping! The thought of staying at a campsite longer than needed was just a waste of time! haha.

By 10am we met up with Pop Top, we saw a couple bucks roaming near trail. The fact that they weren't skittish made me question if we were going deeper into Day Hiker territory. And sure enough, we were. The trail was finally sloping down, and we knew we were coming upon a highway. We had read in our notes on the map that there would be pit toilets and picnic tables! Wooo! A True Luxury! Our 10 am break was going to be taken in style and comfort.

On the way down the trail which led us to the highway, we passed scores of people- Asians with all their cameras, old couples bird watching wearing their brightest ball caps, one couple offered us a vegan brownie. She was reading up on this hike that she was out doing, and learned that she may meet some PCT Hikers, so she came prepared. Bless her! The brownies were amazing.

Our 10 am break was different than usual. We sat on a stone wall in the parking lot along the highway that runs right through Mt Rainier NP. Some people were interested in us, some didn't even notice us. People are interesting. Some people wear their best clothes, and are only there for the picture. Joe, Pop Top and I just sat there amused, eating protein bars and oatmeal, enjoying the sights.

By 10:30 we were back on trail, now on the north side of the highway, and the trail was just a busy with day hikers. I don't blame them, the views are incredible and the weather perfect. Just before our several mile climb we came to a lake where a couple people were swimming (too cold for most), the mosquitos were present, but weren't terrible thankfully.

We stopped for water, and decided to take our lunch early. It was a great spot, and we can study the trail as it wound up and up the mountain that stands before us.

We said goodbye to Pop Top, we told her we most likely won't be making the 32 mile goal, but that probably 20 was more realistic. So far today we've wasted a lot of time.

After lunch we packed our things and started our ascent. Halfway up the relentless switchbacks, I look back to the South and I see where we had come from a week ago. Goat Rocks and Mt Adams in the way distance. WOW what a sight.

Once we finally reach the pass (incline turns to decline), we stop and chat with a day hiking couple. They were from New York and just moved to Washington to be with their kids and grand babies. They were impressed with out story, and were very intrigued with the idea of hiking the PCT. We encouraged them to section hike it, after all they were already hiking on the PCT, even if for a day. What a sweet and generally caring couple. They offered their advice to us- to walk the extra 300 ft and view Sourdough Gap. Sourdough Gap- we had first heard of this from our friends Brad and Kirsty! Of course we were hiking extra!

At the junction of Sourdough Gap and the PCT, we dropped our packs and went off to the West to see the raved views. Although it was starting to cloud up, there it was, Rainier just looming over the valley. Everything seemed enhanced.

Joe asked me if I would want to consider camping here, he reminded me that tonight is the peak of the meteor shower, and that the clouds should blow off. I was skeptical, we didn't even hike 13 miles yet! But then again, a meteor shower with the Rainier in the background... I was sold.

So by 2pm we set up our tent, and spent the rest of the day walking around our own piece of the world with the best views of the surrounding national park. We seriously didn't see another soul all day.

There was one condition- tomorrow we would wake up at 3am and get 30 miles in.

I said "OK, but I might be cranky tomorrow."

Our tent site at Sourdough Gap

Joe was right, the clouds did burn off, mostly

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